Like last year, we have CNY Gathering at Shangri-la with red, wa or qi theme gathering.

Our club leader managed to book the same room where we did our last year gathering xD
Like last year, I came for the Nor Mai Gai :heart_eyes:
I was debating weather to wear my Groove Deer Wa Set (but it's black), my BtSSB (but it's more to yellow and white) or my Honey Honey for full red. Guess which one won :joy:

I planned with one of the girls to bring our little yosd and it seemed they enjoying gossiping

Me doing tarot card readings for everyone

After lunch
While the rest go home, some of us decided to hop malls xD (sorry no photos of malls hopping, we were having fun). Train home with one of the girls

Coord Breakdown

Jsk, KC: Honey Honey -Cat's Astrology-
Necklace: Q-Pot
Wig: Dream Holic
Bag: Swimmer
Shoes: Bodyline

The rest Taobao