In the past three years my life had been a rollercoaster. I found myself become single, then unexpectedly in a relationship again, only to be separated due to the pandemic.
Plus some health and mental issues and car accident, everything doesn't seems to go right. I'm not going to sugarcoat; my emotions and strength had been in turmoil. There were many times I feel like giving up. But thanks to many supports, from family to friends to bf, I slowly try to stand up. Even tho I seems to be smiling all the time, but deep down inside I had also been crying a lot.
I thought 2021 had been another year with no achievements in my life but as I'm listing them earlier, I realised how wrong I was. I realised this year I actually achieved a lot.
I found passion to draw again and had been actively drawing my comic series despite the Instagram algorithm is screwing me up. I had been taking a good care of both my physical and mental health. I lose weight while maintaining healthier diet, cutting sugar/desserts and exercises. My skin condition is getting better after seeing dermatologist. My leg is getting better after two years rehabilitation with orthopedics. I begin to practise self-love more and look after my mental wellness. I begin to stop hoarding, stop spending money unnecessarily, throw and giving away all unnecessarily things. My room now is no organised and no longer messy (they say your room conditions tells a lot of your personality).
I survived another year of LDR, in fact this year, after two years plus being apart we finally meet again even for just 10 days. With this I checked some of bucket list; I finally travel solo, I finally visit Europe, I finally visit Amsterdam (it's in the list places I want to visit around the world), I finally meet my international online friends.
Also this is the first time I ever feel so prepared.
To begin with, I had all 2022 social media materials for Malaysia Mensa all done and scheduled. I'm dome updating my resume and set up Portfolio website. I'm already done all job hunting (phase 1) so now I'm just sitting back and wait. My comic series Brown Eyes comics are 3-4 months in advice are all done. Now I can chill drawing new comics focus on my freelance illustration side hustles. I['m done listing and packing all the things I want to sell. I'm done downloaded all podcast I planned to listen in preparation with future internet being down (even now it's down many times).

When I look back, I used to think what is considered as an achievement? Now I realised no one should tell you what is an achievement. Only you can decide of it is or not. It can be small to some eyes but does it matter?
They're big to you and that's all matter.