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8 December 2019 - The Car Accident that Changed Everything

Updated: Dec 8, 2020

It was supposed to be a great weekend for me. From 7th to 8th December my friends and I had a gateway to Avani Sepang Goldcost resort (and the 3rd time for me and my former partner). On the 8th I was expected to attend a Mensa drinking gathering then straight up joining my parents for their 40th wedding anniversary.

What I didn't expect is that something will happened and it will change my life forever..

The Mensa gathering was short but superb for me; I finally meet Antonio and Harold, the Spaniard and American who are Malaysian Mensa members. I also catch up with Ahmad

Afterwards I drive to meet up my family and I use the same route I had been using since 2011. Nothing different apart it was drizzling, This is when I lost control of my car....

The impact caused me to disorient and smelling unfamiliar gassy scent, I forced myself out from the car and stumbled on the ground. I managed to composed myself and took photos of my car as I lay on he ground. I forced myself to because I felt it might be important - for police report, insurance and maybe for hospital. Who knows! All I know all these better be recorded! And yes, later they all proven to be very useful and helps to solve this case fast.

A very kind couple stopped to help me; the wife tended me while the husband helped to move my car away from the middle of to road to the side. We were joined by a young motorist (whom I later learnt came from the same hometown with me). Within 15 mins another car crashed o the same spot and he landed on the same spot I would had if I didn't try to move away. With my Myvi the damaged might be worst for me if I fell into the ditch.

I called my friends and they come over. My friends arrived and so does the police and we gave them our reports. Then we waited for my parents and I went to rest inside Kevin's car and made a quick call to my bf Domy. During this time my friends told me I begin to suffer short breath and then lost conscious. The next thing remember I woke up at hospital. What happened while I was at the private Thompson Hospital I will write on some other day.

They did CAT and X-ray scans and all tests they can and discharged me. I was declared fine, apart of concussions. The next few months would be proved to be a different story.

During 2019 I was in terrible health and had been in and out medical center and had undergo 13 blood test. I was also heavy on medications. Months before the car accident my right hand and arm starting to become unbearable painful and trembling uncontrollably.

After the car accident my right hand's condition worsen and I found myself unable to draw daily. I eventually lost my job as a game artist. I remember I spent weeks crying; I had always love drawing and I felt that's the only thing I know. Eventually I composed myself and went to find job from different field to compensate my hand's condition.

Right after the car accident my mind was overflowed with many thoughts of driving again. I begin to overthinking. But to my surprise, 2 weeks later when my car is ready, I drove as if nothing had happened. Or so I thought. I noticed I would hyperventilating whenever I take sharp corners, the ones similar where I got into the accident. I also avoid that route. I don't think I want or can drive through that again. Not after the two accidents that night.

Another thing also changed me life now that I drove less frequent. I used to love driving, but now I'm more comfortable taking public transportations. I was lucky to be able to find job and place to rent next to MRT stations. While at my new job, I discovered my right leg begin to show similar sign to my right arm and hand. Driving become very painful for me. Originally I just went to nearby rehabilitation center but after the pain persistence (plus questionable solutions), I finally decided to go to the hospital, and this time Gleanagles, under the recommendation of Bryan. His aunt used to worked there and his family frequent there as well.

Initially they suspected I might have arthritis or thyroid issues. Despite financially tight, I agree to undergo multiple blood test and physiotherapy as I haven't done any medical checkout for years, so considered this as an important medical checkup.

The good news is all anti-immune reports came back negative. The bad news is the pain still persistent. The orthopedic suspected my job and the car accident may cause the muscle and joints pain. I have the option to try rheumatologist or take some prescribed medications. Despite not suffering arthritis, I was encouraged to take arthritis medications and supplements since I showed positive recovery from them.

Mobility become a slight issue for me. My right leg often in pain, usually from climbing the staircase. The orthopedist eventually suggested me to get leg or knee braces. Mind you these are optional therefore they didn't provide to me. After consulting my childhood friend, who is ran a private orthopedic clinic, he issues me several braces but I eventually become comfortable with patella brace and a knee length compressed stocking. After a long while I can drive again with less pain. I was also given an AFO-Brace which I use while in the office (because we did not wear shoes in the office). The AFO brace is actually the best but unfortunately no shoes fit....(for the one I use at least).

Growing up I would always complained to mum about shoes. Due to my flat and wide feet, I can't find nice shoes fitting me; they're always hurt my feet or worst my back as well. Orthopedic shoes designs are always limited and expensive as hell. Also the one in Malaysia tends to be sandals and I hate open toes shoes! If you look at my photos since childhood I always seen to wear sandals and now you know why. Orthopedic sandals.

Never had I imagine now I am more grateful I still have my legs and they're still functioning. Yeah sure finding beautiful shoes going to be more pain in the ass but luckily lately I have more savings to get better looking shoes. I'm just glad I never fancied high heels otherwise I'm sure I'll be more upset than what I am right now.

Because of this I am more grateful to be able to find job and place to rent next to MRT stations so I can avoid driving. Taking public transportations allowed me to rest more.

During these times, my environment change and I was initially overwhelmed by it. One time on the way back home I was standing because the train was full. I was wearing short skirt with my brace visible to everyone. Suddenly an old man stand up and offered me a seat, much to my astonishment. I refused but he insisted and the young lady next to me encouraged me to sit as well. I eventually sat and as I bewilderment with the kindness of the people around me as well suddenly came to realization I might be an invalid, I silently sobbed uncontrollably. Having growing up in an environment where people gave away their seats for the old and invalid, I was having mixture of emotions because an old man just gave away his seat to me, a young women and the truth is I do want to sit because my leg hurts as hell. By right I do deserved the seat - but not from someone way older than me.

During the lockdown I was out doing my weekly shopping and I saw something I want o the lower shelf. Mind you at that time I was wearing hinged brace and squatting or bending was not an easy task. As I struggle to bend, a young lady approached me and help me grabbed the item. I thanked her and I didn't realised I was weeping, touched by the her kindness until she asked me if I'm ok.

They said Covid brought out the worst part of people and it's true. But for me I continue to see the kindness out of most people I encountered. One thing I should mentioned I am Malay of mixed raced that often being mistaken an Indian, or even as a foreigner. I am currently working and living in a Chinese area, and yes the Chinese made up 90% or more. Most of these kindness I had been receiving are from them. They didn't see me as Malay, they see me as a fellow Malaysian, or better as a human being. Bless them all.

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