On 18th Jan Kae suddenly pmed asking me if I'm interested to attend an anime bar theme grand opening on the 21st. She is very interested with the cosplay event they held during the grand opening and asked me to invite Ren along.

However due to poor management, none of us ended up cosplaying and we just decided to enjoy the night. I had been to many bars (drinking either just water, cola or mocktails) but never exactly clubbing? While it's not exactly clubbing but the three of us dancing a bit.
Then at 11pm Ren suddenly excused herself and off to the toilet. After awhile Kae and I got worried. At this point she still replying my text whenever I'm checking on her. Every now and then Kae and I alternate go to the toilet to check on her.
One point we can't hear each other because the toilet is next to another bar, and the bar is having a gig. Since she's not replying so I climbed the toilet cover to check her on the other side (and broke the toilet cover in the process).

(Yes I took the photo to make the storytelling a lot easier)
There's only there cubicles and can hear her voice from earlier checking (thus why I know which cubicle she is in). The wall still to high so I can't see her. I put my hands and she must had seen them as she she responded, telling me not to worry. I left her to go back to Kae. Then it's 11.30. Due to Covid, everything now close at midnight and we need to leave.
I went to check on Ren again and this time no respond. I climb again and this time she really went silent. So I took out my phone and use the camera to record what is going on on the other side - that's when I saw Ren passed out from vomiting.
I try to knock the door again but no respond. So I broke down the door - forgetting the arm side I'm using to ram is the one I received booster. Anyway got to Ren, I almost puke from her vomit, clean the place, clean her up, clean her phone and I want to tie her hair so it's easier to clean her face. She is still a bit responsive and told me her hairband is her bag. But when I opened her bag...
Me: (Fucking) woman's bag...
(Forgetting the fact I am too a woman and my bag is also like this 😂)
Can't find the hairband so I just use mine 😆
Couldn't get to even stand and the whole place is closing. I tried to unlock Ren's phone fingerprints password by using her two thumbnails. No dice.
For some reason she one time told me her phone pattern password - so I manage to unlock her phone.
She actually told me the guy she's been seeing right now, so I know his name and can call him.
She actually shared me his photo, so when he arrived I know it is him.
Originally I wanted to send her home myself, I know where she lives. Also she's been mumbling didn't wan him to come - I think because they just see each other so she didn't want him to see her in this situation or simply scare him. But I really can't make her stand up, really don't what to do. But from all the things she told me about him, and also his last message to her in WA asking if she's alright (since he knows she is going out with us for drinks) so I dare to think she will be safe with him
After he got her then I am able to send Kae home and I headed to Kevin's place. Ren's guy updated me (through WhatsApp) of her and we bid each other goodnight.
The next morning both girls updated me they both are fine and Ren apologizing (she's been apologizing throughout the night too, during her drunken state).