Not something bothering me but just something I want to talk about 🙂

Years ago several friends of mine alluded that I am some sort narcissist because I only post photos of myself, hardly with other people. Plus it seems I only talk about myself.
I'm not bothered, because, as fate would puts it, as much as I love have my photos taken - with or without friends - I'm so happen surrounded by:
1) People who didn't like being photographed
2) People who don't mind being photographed as long their photos didn't go to social media
So usually I would asked them first before posting. At times even before I could ask they would approach me and tell not to post the photos, or in certain occasions they told me not to post until specific of time, or post but do not tag them.
So over time I prefer to play safe by only post my own photos.
There are people who like their photos taken and posted BUT photos of their own choices, the ones they think the look good in it. Do I think they're narcissistic? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Everyone have the right to feel beautiful and comfortable with themselves, in any form.
Same goes when I seems to only talk about myself. Well, I know myself the best and of course the best subject to talk is about myself. I often refrain talking about others because what ever I know about them is just the surface, they're things they wanted the world to see. No one knows what they really went through so what's the need of us to talk about them?
So I choose the best subject. ME.
I know most of my friends didn't even think I'm narcissistic because based on my timeline in FB they post 10 times more than I do and 99% are selfies - and you know what? DON'T STOP. Those are one of the reasons why we are friends, why I even followed them; seeing them living to the fullest, self love, humors brightens my day and keep me encouraged to live my life to the fullest too.
You do you (as long you and no one else harmed), do the things that makes you happy, do the things that makes you comfortable with yourself, do the things that makes you love yourself.
That's what matters the most.