As I said in previous post, at one time I accidentally bought a replica, and now I have the original one. While the replica is an op and the original one I bought is a jsk, they both came from the same series, therefore have the same print and initial design, so let's go for the comparison!
This what I wore in April. Omg someone burn my eyes ;o;
Even before owning the real deal, I know many things are wrong here. First of all, the materials used. The lace is horrible!
Secondly, the cutting. Unlike in the photos, the chest part ended on top of my breasts instead of bottom of it! I did wonder for a moment was it have to do with my breast size + op size.
Original dress have the brand tag
the replica did not even have a label. the only label the replica has is the indication of size. (I forgot to take photos of them side by side)
Now all the comparison of the dress accessories
KC color and designs
while the ribbons quality still high but the color differences still big and the color and qualities differences of the metal
Color and metal qualities differences and the replica lacks the brand engraving at the back
The print and color are the biggest culprits
Color differences and the print mirrored!
This is how the original dress should look like (even tho what I wore here is jsk version)
final comparison