Last Sunday I went to a doll + makeup gathering and I was debating to wear Lolita or not. In the end I wear one of my fav "summer" dress and give it "Lolita silhouette" .
I added two petticoats to give the puffs. However the puff looked smaller here DX
user uploaded image
But one thing I admit I'm proud, apart of the wristcuffs, which is Red Maria and the petticoats (I forgot their brand), everything else are thrifted - from my fav thrift shop Jalan Jalan Japan.
The reason I went for this dress is because the pattern remind me of Dear Celine Morning Dew OP. The silhouette and material also kinda close enough
this dress is in my wishlist~
Close Up Makeup
mum helped me on the eyeshadow and nose contouring
Mrs Teapot and Chips
The Airbnb interior is super nice and the owner have many cool stuffs and this is perhaps the coolest one xD