"You need to stop taking your medications if you want to lose weight". Wow. Just wow. That's what my consultant told me when I told her my bipolar medications may be one of the factors I'm having hard time shredding some pounds due to one of its side effects.

Somewhere around 2016-2017 I was introduced to Groupon app. With the crazy offers and trials deals, I get to try many things I had been curious of - spa (for the first timer tryout for Rm38 instead of normal Rm258), facial treatment saloon (Rm18 instead of Rm1000), boutiques hotels and many more - you get the idea. One of the things I've been curious of is these weight loss center. Growing up I would see London Weight Management almost everywhere. I see girls, women came in and out. Yes I am quite conscious with my weight but I had been going and enjoying the gym so I never bother to find out. Then one day, I saw this deal at Groupon:

After some thoughts I decided to give it a try, via Groupon. Little did I know this would be one of my worst decision and biggest regret ever.
Hey Forget About the Trial, Be a Member Instead!
A day after I signed up for the trial, I received sms from them, wanting to set up appointment. Everything went on smoothly and just like all the things I had tried before, I am completely exited; to finally know what's beyond the door. I can always see the counter and the narrow hallway and had been dying to know what lies beyond the hallway.

Photo credits to Karyi
I arrived on the appointment day and there was many people! I chit chat with several people and apparently they all there for the same Groupon deals (haha). Eventually I was introduced to a lady who she said would be my consultant. Wait, what? What consultant? I'm here for the trials. Then again maybe it's just a procedure for her to guide me throughout the trial; I mean my spa and facial treatment experiences had someone assigned to take care of me throughout the procedure.
I was taken to a small room, just me and my (apparently) consultant. She started out to ask me why I want to try LWM, what is my weight loss target, which body part I want to shaped, etc etc. I bluntly told her I'm just curious and was attracted by the Groupon deal.
Then she proceed to brief me of LWM membership and it's benefits.
Woah woah lady! I just came here for the trials. Just give me the trials please.
Then she proceed to ask me of my budget. She begin to introduce to me their products. To begin with the membership fee starts at Rm600 (kinda expected, I mean I already did facial spa trial before) and the products range between Rm1000-10,00 (again expected).
She keep talking and try hard persuading me to be a member and buy they products. I feel like being held hostage; it seems she won't stop talking about it to let me leave to try the trial until I agree to be a member. After awhile (and multiple hard, hesitant saying no and her looking OBVIOUSLY disappointed), she finally (but obviously reluctantly) passed me to another girl.
AND this girl continue talking the same thing. Oh gimme a break as if I wasn't feeling guilty enough. First I was taken to small room with bed where I need to undress and wearing only towel and disposable underwear. My consultant then come over and told me she needs to take my photo so they can do before and after comparison. Again I felt like, but I'm just here for the trial, I won't be coming over again.
She then deliberately bent down to take photos of my tummy, thighs and arms at a very unflattering angle. (Even a fool knows that when you take photos from bottom up, you're going to look fat!). After I keep everything in the locker, she took me to the weighing machine again to take my measurement before proceeding to start the treatment.
She told me I'm overweight (I was around 68-70kg at that time) 😑
Disclaimer: Photos from here will taking from various sites that covering LWM because I left my phone in the locker throughout the procedure. But all these photos all are exactly the same with my experiences.

Photo credits to Christina Chung
I was taken to a steam section and told me this procedure called "Aroma Herbal Steam Bath". Ok I'm looking forward to an aroma steam.

Photo credits to Budget Babe
I couldn't smell any difference in the air vs. that of a normal sauna room in condos or gyms, so I wasn't exactly convinced that there was indeed "a mix of botanical herbs targeted for weight loss" as claimed by my consultant.
After almost 10-15 mins (I think?), I was asked to return to the room where I undressed myself earlier. I forgot my second procedure but what my consultant did is to covered my body with a rather hot cream. She said it is one of their products, the Body Trim Fluid - the heat will help to burn the fats. She then wrapped me tight with plastic wrap (you read it right, plastic wrap - the kind you use to wrap your food). After she wrapped almost my entire body (with mini towel covering my boobs) she let me lie on the bed and left me for 10 - 15 mins. After that she came over, and as she unwrapping me she begin to explain the products and package and tried to make me buy them.
After that I begin my third treatment (and final treatment for the first visit): Lavender Sea Salt Therapy + Thermo Hot Blanket Treatment.

Photo credits to Budget Babe
The thing is, (again) I don't smell anything lavender. In fact there's 0 scent! To be honest I kinda hate this treatment because she wrapped my body like a mummy and covering everything, especially my legs. I felt completely claustrophobic and was completely restless.
After leaving me about 15 - 20 mins (I think?), my consultant came back to my room and told me this treatment is done. But instead of taking me out from the blanket, she continue to try to get me to sign up again for the package. I felt like being held hostage!
She also measured my arms, tummy and thighs like before, but didn't show me the chart detailing the before and after measurements. My guess is that there probably was not much difference, or perhaps even no change at all. Instead, she focused on exclaiming that I had lost 100g of water retention, and that it was a "really good result". She then tried to get me to sign up again for the package, saying that my weight loss would be even better with continued treatments.
Seriously this bitch won't leave me alone! But I'll be honest in 2016 I was soft hearted and actually feeling (immense) guilty for continuing to decline the package. The 2020 me just feeling like want to slap the 2016 me.
I went to shower and eveything felt so fresh! After dressing up and getting my stuffs in the locker, I went back to the first small room I was taken earlier and meeting my consultant again. And again she tried (hard, damn hard I'm telling you) to make me sign for the membership and get free 10 sessions plus discounts for my first product purchase.
I really wanted to just leave. I mean I came here for the trial. TRIAL. I have no attention to be a member. But the bitch won't stop talking over and over and it's obvious she won't let me leave the room until I agree to sign up the membership.
I'm at the edge of tears; both feeling like hostage and pressured by her - I agreed and use my credit card to be a member. A lifetime member. My consultant's expression changed from desperation to happiness and she eagerly trying to set date for my next appointment.

Photo credits to ka0rist0ry
And I left that day with a freebies. And I used them daily, trying to convince myself these products really works. And the bag is cute and I used it for something else. Oh well....
The Next 2 years
I went through many procedures/treatments/sessions throughout the years and every single time I went through the same thing; they constantly trying to make me sign up more treatments and buy their products. Look here I already stupidly paid Rm2000++ for the membership + free 10 sessions - now you think about it, they're not free treatments!
Photo credits to Carousell
As usual the true nightmare is by the end of the session where I'm being held hostage until I agree to buy something from them. At this point I'm not sure how many thousands I had wasted - I mean - spent on buying their detox drinks. Worst? I'm kinda convince they worked. Again my 2020 me wanna slap the 2016 - 2018 me.
I'm Outsation Suckers!
Eventually I had enough. I know I still have few more free sessions to go but I felt my mental health is deteriorating. One time I setup to be one of the first to do session in the morning and I saw the place haven't yet open as the manager briefing all the consultant. I can see and hear she was kinda angry and constantly rising her voice. I can see some of the consultants appears to breaking down from what it seems to be verbal abuse.
With me at that time is another client, an older lady, probably a grandmother (but no that kind old and frail type, this is the one still looks strong and quite glamorous). A friendly lady, we chit chat and she pointed out how she hated LWM for their pushy tactics and somewhat impolite manners (true, if you declined their offers they will make it obvious they're upset, disappointed and even downright let out loud sigh). She then pointed out the real issue is the core of the business; to push client to sign up for treatments and buy products to add commissions to themselves - something like insurance but more cutthroat and no benefits what so ever apart conning you over your weight insecurities.
This somehow snapped me a bit. Because all these while I think I might had been a little too sensitive but apparently I wasn't alone with these thoughts. I felt like an idiot (again my 2020 me wants to slap my old me for taking this long to realise).
Whenever my consultant called or sms or whatsapp me (yes they're going to this extreme), asking me when I want to setup my next appointment, I always give them excuses I couldn't make it - mainly due to outstation (half true btw).
"You need to stop taking your medications if you want to lose weight!"
This been ongoing for several months so I finally decided to go back. I mean I did paid Rm2000 after all, might as well used up all the free treatments and get over it.
When I came over I was introduced to a new consultant, Katherine. Yes I remember her name very well and soon you will know why. To me Katherine is seriously beautiful; both face and body, I wouldn't be surprised if she had competed in pageants or she will in the future. Just like my consultant before her, she tried hard to make me sign up for treatments or buy some products with them.
While I was halfway the session we had some chit chat about my weight and the fact I barely lost any. I confided to her that I'm suffering bipolar and had been seeking for treatments and I was informed one of my medication's side effects is gaining weight.
To begin with, she didn't even know what is bipolar (I'll excuse her a for now because she is Chinese and she might know bipolar in Chinese instead of English), but then she proceed to tell me this, without missing a beat, "You need to stop taking your medications if you want to lose weight!". Wow. Just wow.
I was fuming! I raised my voice a bit and told her the medications is important but she seems to ignore me. By the end of the session, I was asked for feedback by the manager and I decided not to hold back; I lashed out and told everything had happened. This time I managed to storm off - not letting them to hold me hostage.
On the night itself Katherine whatsapp me, trying to explained herself and thinks there's was some misunderstanding. That bitch won't even apologized. The only thing she appears to be apologizing is the fact she made me angry which not going got be good for her KPI.
Another thing I'm angry with LWM is the language barrier. The branch I've been going is 100% Chinese consultant and yet majority of them hardly fluent in anything but Mandarin. Unlike my spa or facial treatments, I felt unwelcomed, left out and completely ignored due to language barrier. We can hardly communicate. One time the girl that was assigned to me couldn't even speak nor understand English or Malay! Ho am I supposed to tell her if I'm not feeling comfortable or needing help???
I know the stereotype for beauticians that they're shallow and might be downright idiots. While I do agree stereotypes exist for a reason but I didn't want to simply believe in them, not that easily anyway but my years experiences with LDW and ESPECIALLY with Katherine earlier just enforced the stereotype.
I finally had enough. This time I actually set up the date - BUT - never showed up! AHAHAHAHAHA. Whenever she asked me why I didn't showed up I would acted apologetically and explained I have sudden urgency. I finally blocked Katherine's and all the consultants I know phone numbers.
After 2 Years
I always received unfamiliar numbers because I did many online shoppings, food deliveries and investments so it's natural for me to pick up every calls. So around a week ago I received a call and to my surprise it's LWM. The told me the coming week is Member's Day where I will get to do one free session plus lucky draw,
At this point I'm at better mental state and I admit I do want to finish my remining free sessions to get over it so I agree to setup new appointment and the timing is perfect as I finally going to KL since RMCO. Also I admit I'm curious had everything changed after 2 years? After the MCO and RMCO?
Upon arrival I learnt Katherine had quit (I admit deep down I wish I was the cause), and being told my new consultant is Alice, but she was on leave and instead Charmaine will be my consultant of the day.
Upon arrival I was asked to spin the wheel for the lucky draw and guess which alphabet I got? D! That's my (new) bf name! Domy! My bf is indeed my lucky charm as apparently the chance to win is 4 - 6. Afterwards I was taken into the consultant's room by Charmaine.
Alas nothing changed; They introduced me to new treatments and products and grilled me to sign up for them. Well one thing I can say after my breakup with my (previous) longtime bf I had harden myself a lot and this time I easily said no (and even spout bullshit about getting married and moving to Europe next year - half true btw, I mean I do plan to do that but here I talked as if everything is confirmed).
She then told me I previously had put up Rm20 deposit and it would be wasted if I don't use it. I asked what I can do with it, she suggested I buy one of their products and the Rm20 deposit will be converted into Rm20 voucher. Since I had been buying detox drinks from them she suggest I but it again - at the price of Rm360 for the cheapest set. When I told her I'll passed, she said the Rm20 will be wasted.
Really bitch? 😑 I bluntly told her they can have Rm20 as a donation from me.
And I went through the same procedure, undressed, putting in the locker, weighed and start off with the steam (again no aroma scent).
Oh speaking of weight, I discovered I am now weighed 62.9kg! OMG I couldn't believe my eyes! All these years I had felt hopeless about losing weight as I noticed I couldn't go below 65kg....Then I meet Domy and his weight loss journey inspired me so much that I asked him many things; from all the things he did and advises. I begin to exercise again, watch my calorie intake and even start doing intermitted fasting. I admit I didn't put much hope to lose below 65kg but you never know until you try right?
Anyway side tracked. After the steam, I was taken to do the detox treatment from the lucky draw I just won - which turned out to be super hard massage that ended up in heat blanket treatment that's similar to Lavender Sea Salt Therapy + Thermo Hot Blanket Treatment. I embarrassed myself during the massage due to my strong reactions to the pain. During the massage she tried to sell me the detox treatment and told me to use the Rm200 voucher I had won. I asked her how much is the treatment price is Rm2000 and with the voucher I already saved Rm200 and it would be wasteful not to use the opportunity to save Rm 200 (bitch I would rather saved Rm1800 instead of Rm200 😑). When I told her I'm not interested with any treatments for now, she hesitantly suggested me to use the voucher for products instead. I told her I will think about it.
After the massage she wrapped me with hot towels and placed the thermal blanket over me. Again I felt very claustrophobic and was completely restless.
After leaving me about 15 - 20 mins (again I think?), Charmaine came back to my room and told me this treatment is done. I told her I felt heavy and having short breath but guess what? Instead of taking me out from the blanket, she tried to make me sign up for the detox treatment (after all the pain I went through??). When I said no she rolled her eyes, her expression obviously changed to annoyance and she let out a loud sigh (OMG FUCKING RUDE BITCH!).
She tried harder to make me sign up for this detox treatment - and this time - I raise my voice and sternly said "I SAID NO!". I can see she was taken aback and silently took me out from the thermal blanket, told me to shower and left. I felt triumphed.
After the shower I messaged my friend, telling her I might need her to call me and she might need to act she's angry with me for being late and I need to meet her now. I will also "accidentally" turn on the loudspeaker. I told her I prefer not to this but this is for just in case and she's on board with the plan.
As the usual procedure, the manager reviewed my chart and told me I have one more free session left. She also introduced me to the Christmas promo set drink which cost Rm200. Remembering the voucher I just won, I asked her can I used it and she immediately replied that's only applicable to treatments (well, well, well what we have it here, it didn't stated that when I first won the lucky draw). I didn't want to argue because at this point all I can see with LWM is nothing but full of impolite, shallow scammers.
So I said I'm not interested with the promo and to my surprise she didn't pushed for anything like usual and just asked me to sign for today's session and simply let me leave. I bet Charmaine must had told her what had transpired earlier.
Later I received sms to fill out survey form of my experience with LWM. I obviously ignored it but guess what? 12 hours later I received call from Charmaine asking me to fill up the form (OMG are you this desperate??). Ok fine I fill in the survey. You guys are asking for it.
No you're not! You guys don't care about us. You guys don't give a shit!
Looking Back
I wished I was more firm to stand up for myself and declined every single thing. If I can turn back the time I would not accept the membership and be over after the trials. What you expecting me not to even try the trial? Nope I would still want to try, I want to try as many thing possible to satisfy my curiosity.
I learnt more and more I wasn't the only going through what I went. Some even had it worst, and they didn't even start the whole thing yet!

Photo credits to Malaysia Mari
I also learnt my so call "customized" treatment plan wasn't only expensive as hell but turned out it wasn't that exclusive to me. This is what my consultant offered to me:
Part 1:
1. Aroma herbal steam bath (Rm320)
2. Lavender sea salt therapy (Rm1200)
3. Thermo hot blanket treatment (Rm240)
Part 2:
4. Ampoule
5. Fat reduction machine (Rm1200+?)
But guess what I found? After reading other reviews online, it turns out that the "customized" treatments seem to be the same for everyone! Suddenly I didn't feel that special anymore, in contrast to how my consultant been trying to make me feel.
There's a silver lining tho (at the cost few thousands ringgit and credit card debts lol). Not only I now know how these weight program goes, I was be able to get first hand experiences, seeing the so call famous, overhyped machines myself, I won't lie some of the sessions are relaxing (if only they can just shut up) and most importantly I learnt to be more firm and do not simply gave myself out just because I felt sorry.
Not All Business Like That
I learnt not all similar business ran they way LDM did. Just a short story, in 2017 my credit card offered a free facial treatment by Beauty Library as cardholder complimentary.

Initially I want to turn it down because of my LWM experiences but I got super curious that I agree to go for the R180 treatment for free. I made my appointment and went there - but I won't lie I was constantly having anxiety.
Unsurprisingly all the consultants there are Chinese, but o my surprise (and amusement) they assigned me to a very English and Malay fluent lady to me. We ended having great time, we have random chat and laughed a lot, she explained all the procedures and treatment she's giving to me but not even once she asked me if I want to sign up for membership or buy their products.
After the session is done, they asked me to sign and I'm done! I was bewildered. I literally asking them, nothing else and they said I'm all done. I left, feeling completely amused. I only took 5 steps when I turned back and told them I would love to be a member and wanted to take the cheapest package - which is 12 sessions for a year.

Unlike LWM, every month I'm looking forward to go to Beaute Library. While I did some good results, I admit I didn't go there for the treatments, I went there to detox my mind. My consultant, the English and Malay fluent lady Caroline had been nothing but wonderful. If I had hard month and it's obvious to her, she will do anything to cheer me up even if it's ended up talking something very random and ridiculous. I begin to understand why some people wiling to spent for spa. It's for the mind. Really. Nothing else.
They also never pushed me for their products. Only one time they suggested me one products. And after a short thinking I told them I would like to buy whole set instead of just one. Caroline was surprised and told me if I'm really interested I can just focused on the one she just suggest and I can keep using whatever I had been using but I told her I prefer to use one set product than mixing around so she introduced me the complete set.
Seriously this is how this type of business should be running. You felt they have the best interest in you. They might or not might be but we had paid them for their service and Beaute Library had done great job. Instead of turning me off, I was attracted by them.
Whatever happened to me with LWM was stupid. I won't say naive because naive means I wasn't even realised I was being scammed. I said stupid because I can see the obvious scam attempts and yet I fell for them just because I was feeling overwhelmed and pity.
Not anymore.