"Women have conditional access to public places" - What an interesting, accurate and sad way to phrase it. The sad reality of the world we are currently living in.

The latest case made me want to address an issue that I had been wanting to address for quite some time now.
"No *MEANS* No!"
And this applies to both genders. Yet some people are so entitled and get angry when told "no".
Both genders suffer this issue but sadly, statistically it is women who experience this more: the wrath of men who couldn't accept no as answer and usually has to suffer the consequences.
Some are even accused of "playing with their heart" even though they've been clearly rejected from the start.
How delusional a person can be?
Some even attempt to justify the anger with the excuse, "How could you say no when you didn't even give me a chance?"
Listen here. "No *MEANS* No!"
Lemme give you a different analogy.
Imagine you're a Muslim, Christian, atheists, agnostic or any belief you held and you held it dearly. Imagine someone approached you, trying to introduce you to a new religion. Imagine you politely say no but still being pushed to accept?
Imagine when you decided to stand your ground you were told, "How would you know the religion I'm going to introduce to you is good if you didn't even give it a try??"
So just Imagine that.
Also when someone told me,
"Luckily I have good control. Imagine if I've been a bad man? I would had done so many (nasty things there's no need for me to describe here) to her"
And you expect me to think you're a good man? Rather I find you the most despicable men who couldn't accept "no" from a woman.