Growing up, dad often remarked how he sees that I'm really into gadgets. The idea of tinkering with electronics fascinates me but it didn't interest me enough to turn it into a profession.

I had always been fascinated with people building their own computer/pc. Imagine my delight in 2016 when I realised I'm going to have the opportunity to do so.
A year after working in the new company, my company introduced a new worker's benefit; the cost of any electronic devices (laptop, smartphones, iPad, etc, etc, etc) or pc building components can be claimed from the company, up to Rm1200 per year. I decided to use the opportunity to buy components, using 2 years worth of claims (2016/2017).
The first components I grabbed were the ones that depreciates slowly (PC case, RGB headphones and RGB keyboard) at a local mega sale, followed by other components (PSU, fans, mouse) at another local mega sale. Finally in 2017 I went to buy the latest parts with prices that are the most time sensitive; GPU, PCU, RAMs, (2) HDD(s), and motherboard. The remaining components I top-up with my own savings; roughly around Rm3000-4000.
I remember how ridiculously timid my friend and I were! We both were constantly scared that handling the components might cause static, thus destroying all the components; motherboard especially!

FINAL BUILD: CPU (central processing unit): Intel® Core™ i7-6700 3.40Ghz
RAM (random access memory): Corsair VENGEANCE® LPX 16GB DDR4 2666MHz MOBO (motherboard): ASUS Intel® Z170-K
GPU (graphic processor unit): GeForce® GTX 1060 Xtreme Gaming GTX 1060 6GB
PSU (power supply unit): Cooler Master® G650M
HDD (power supply unit): Western Digital 1TB 7200 64MB SATA3 3.5" WD10EZEX/RZ DVD Reader: ASUS DRW-24D5MT - internal 24X DVD burner with M-DISC
WIFI Adapter: TP-LINK HP 8000 N3000 (TL-WN881ND)
Casing: Cooler Master® K380
I bought 2nd hand Samsung monitor from a friend from a friend. Not sure of the model but the back written S22C170B S/XM (I think it's a Samsung 22" LED monitor series).

ADDITIONAL COMPONENTS (current usage, not during initial build): Keyboard: Armaggeddon® MKA 3C PSYCHFALCON Mouse: Alcatroz® AirMouse Wireless Mouse 1000cpi Headphone: Brookstone® 317857 Wireless Cat Ear Headphones
Tablet: Wacom® Intuos5 Touch Medium Pen Tablet (PTH650)
Speaker: AIDO Mini Digital Speaker A5000 USB Powered 2.1
Also I begin to play around with desktop live skin Rainmeter (
And a friend managed to convinced me to get STEAM™ Wallpaper Engine for Rm10. Icon sets and custom cursor I used made by the talented Raindropmemory at deviantART.
Testing screen recording with Open Broadcaster Software®️ | OBS (
Also use the opportunity to install as many emulators as possible! I wanna play old games!

Birthday gift Microsoft Xbox 360 Wired Controller for Windows by the (monitor) friend.
Not long afterwards in 2018, I added few more components; PC fan controller (NZXT Sentry 3), tbh I don't really need it but I just want my PC to look cooler and SSD (solid-state drive) (Western Digital Blue™ SATA SSD 2.5”/7mm) to enhance my gaming experience.
Additionally between 2020-2021 I decided to finally chase my original idea to have my pc go full RGB LED lighting as I am now have better budget: PC FAN: Armaggeddon® Chroma SABER 120mm LED
RAM: Kingston HyperX® FURY DDR4 RGB 8GB 2666MHz LED STRIP: USB 5V RGB 5050 IP65 Waterproof Multi Color 16 Colours Super Bright LED Strip 24 Button Remote Control Set
Additionally I bought a UPS (uninterruptible power supply) (Cyberpower® BU1000E 1000VA 600 Watt UPS Backup Battery AVR Similar BV1000i-MS F1000e) as backup against power failure.
Oh just look at the HyperX® FURY RAM stick glowing. Glorious lightsaber ahahhaa
And the LED strip just cause inside my pc to looked like a rave party ahahaha
Look how glorious the whole setup (with KEiiNO - Monument playing)
Finally bought a very sturdy headphone holder (PLEXTONE® GP200 Headset Stand Rock Steady). And I mean it, very sturdy! The previous two standers couldn't handle the heaviness of my cat headphone ahahaha. Totally satisfied with PLEXTONE® and it even comes with one year warranty certificate, highly recommended and it's below Rm30 :D