We are really in a very weird period. When Covid-19 (Coronavirus disease 2019) outbreak finally got global attention, many didn't take it seriously, comparing it to the time when we had 'survived' MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome), SARS (Severe acute respiratory syndrome), and even Swine Flu (pandemic H1N1/09 virus). Little did we know how wrong we were.
Eventually multiple countries began to impose lockdowns to minimize the spread of Covid-19. It wasn't long before Malaysia began its partial lockdown as well. By the time I wrote this article we are already in Day-45 since the execution of the MCO (2020 Malaysia Movement Control Order).
During the span of 45 days I see a sudden rise of social media activities, even by those who barely show much activity before. Suddenly people start to become more expressive. I find this new environment both amusing and pleasing; I unexpectedly got to know some of these people better and engage more with them. Some of us began to discover how similar we are and wondered why we never tried to get to know each other before.
Another interesting observation is seeing introverted people (or those who claimed to be one) actually longing to go out; while they aren't exactly looking forward to any social interactions, they still seem to miss being surrounded by people.
As for me, I've accepted the MCO with open arms; personally I felt that the MCO came along at a perfect timing, my right leg had been acting up lately and this was the opportunity for me to rest from daily commute to work. Due to the lack of traveling, I am now less lethargic and more energetic than ever! I used this to my advantage, finally catching up my personal art-related works. I had never been this productive in my life and I couldn't be happier.
I also spent more time in Wikipedia and Youtube, watching my favourite crime and history channels, and occasionally on random blogs about random topics. Imagine the number of things I learnt during these times!
While I felt that I was obviously taking the MCO well, I still suffered from a few setbacks. For starters, I am currently in a long-distance relationship, and May was supposed to be our trip to Korea where we would finally see each other again after 7 months. Now the thought of not being able to meet up for more than a year sometimes sinks me into deep depression.
I won't lie, being an ambivert, I can thrive with this current introverted lifestyle, however deep down I still miss the extroverted part of me where I would go out shopping and mingling with people. Well maybe not really mingling around, but I do miss going out for a walk in KL and enjoy the presence of people around me. Now I feel nothing but loneliness.
But I know that fretting and feeling miserable won't help me in this situation. So I began to distract myself. Again. And here is where I discovered more interesting things.
During these times suddenly many things started to become available for free; from a prestigious opera play, a ballet dance performance, a rock concert and even a museum tour!
To be able to enjoy all these things that I thought I would never experience, even when I'm not exactly physically present, but witnessing them provides me with new learning experiences. Singers and performers began to stream themselves performing live through social media, something I considered as a 'luxury' because I personally wouldn't be able to attend any of their shows in their respective countries.
Imagine, in the comfort of my bedroom, surrounded by my beloved plushies on my bed, I watched the full performance of Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera at The Royal Albert Hall, I watched a ballet performance by The Royal Ballet, and now as I'm writing this blog I'm enjoying Within Temptation's Black Symphony full concert at Rotterdam Ahoy! I mean how crazy is that? Watching them all legally for free, haha!
Hours earlier I was enjoying Loucas Yiorkas Q&A session + singing live via Instagram . My favourite singer Amaury Vassili had also been singing live via Instagram and Facebook. Lately even the non-singers; performers such as drag queens began to do more live videos to keep updated with the fans. Until then I didn't think that I could even engage with any of them!
To me, I viewed them as the bright side of the outbreak. Suddenly people are more willing to share their work for free. For once, money and profit is put aside. And of course I admit I am lucky that I was able to secure a stable, no-quota internet during these times.
Yeah it might sound like a distasteful statement, the fact that I seemingly am enjoying my life, thriving during a time where many are suffering and dying, but honestly right now I feel that too many people are in despair, so I just want to look on different perspective.
Not that I'm ignoring the frontliners, in fact my brother is one of the frontliners (albeit in the third line). I also have a weird dilemma where part of me prefers not to order food or anything online as I didn't want the delivery workers going out exposing themselves to the virus - but - A BIG BUT - if they didn't go out, they won't be making any income, and these people most likely would lose their jobs due to the MCO. Yes I'm aware that there are many more out there who aren't as lucky as me.
But to be honest, what can I do? The best thing I can do now is to stay at home so I won't spread the virus. I am trying my best to be a responsible citizen and together I hope we can stop the spread of the virus so our world can slowly return to the way it was before. This is my best way of helping the unfortunate in getting back to their lives.
And while I'm at it, I might as well stay positive and be hopeful for the future.
Once awhile I have to go out and get groceries, but apart from that I won't be leaving my house. During these occasions several incidents cause me to continue to have faith in humanity, mainly involving with my leg's condition. People have been nothing but kind, some asking me out of concern and at times when I struggle to grab items from the shelves someone would come over and help me :,) So everyone, be responsible, be kind, and stay positive!