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  • Writer's pictureILICarrieDoll

Who you Idolize Reflects your Personality

I know we often say do not judge a person based on their views, political views especially. Maybe we don't, however it shouldn't come as a surprise that who we idolize may reflect our personality.

Logically speaking, we ask ourselves first; why do we idolize certain people? Is it because they feel relatable? Similar life experience? Or is it because we want to have what they have? Their lifestyle, success, attitude or so on? Or everything? Regardless of the reason, it still reflects to our personality; weather we've experienced what they have as well, or we strive to be like them. But when I say idolize, I mean truly idolized; you know almost everything about these people; trivial knowledge to their intimate details. If you just like their work/achievements but know nothing else (like most people with pop singers and their songs), then it's not considered idolizing, so get that fact straight. Idolizing means you admire every aspect of the person; down to their achievements, physical appearances and lifestyle. Like I said earlier, you know almost everything of that person. Again idolizing doesn't mean that person has to be rich and famous - they can be someone ordinary to most. As always with other things in life, there's pros and cons when you idolize someone; but here it can be pretty straightforward - who you idolize will reflect the pros and cons. It's quite sad to see many youth have blind idolization; from real life celebrities such as Taylor Swift to fictional characters like Harley Quinn (especially in her early days btw), they fail to realize the toxic personality and lifestyle behind these people.

Some may argue they turned blind eyes to the negative aspects of these people and instead focus on the positive ones but I beg to differ, even what these people perceive as positive are actually toxic characteristics; bullying, egoism, abuse relationship, etc, etc, etc, you get my point. It's sad how most youth want to follow their toxic paths. I wouldn't say this applies to all, but majority are. I've seen people who likes to play the victim card would quote Taylor Swift (come on let's be real, we know she plays victim's card way too often), I've seen people who likes to flaunt wealth quoting Kim Kardashian, and people who are in toxic relationship idolize the Harley Quinn and Joker relationship, seeing them as couple goals. How terrifying is that! The most severe case of idolizing would have been idolizing serial killers. And terrifyingly enough, most of these twisted people did act out, copying the depraved actions of the people their idolized. Copycat murders, mass shootings, you name it. Some even approach their idols in prison - in hopes of becoming their accomplice. It's happened before. And is still happening now. But there's also interesting cases where the person themselves is opposite mirror image of the ones they idolized. Usually they only see the achievements, nothing else. Interestingly this will mislead others who read their personality. I've seen the people they idolize, despite their achievements, being humble people (publicly at least), but they themselves, while trying to emulate the success, are nothing like their idols; they can be very egoistic and full of anguish and self-pity. Despite this, it still doesn't deviate from their personality all too much, at least we know these people desire the success of their idols except they may have different methods to achieve it. And, terrifying when you think about it, at whatever cost.

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