With my recent breakup, I admit I need plenty of distractions to keep my mind away of my ex. While I don't exactly like going out, I do think I need to and socialize more. Luckily for me, one of the local doll owner/enthusiast invited me to her small gatherings.
From there on I begin to attend almost all the gathering hosted by her
Minimeet @ Ace by Tea Code (20 January 2019)
The first meet in 2019. After several times unable to attend in 2018, I make sure this time I will, especially this is a small, private gathering and I felt honored.
Mini Meetup @ Melur & Thyme (6 February 2019)
The other group been planning to do meet up in early 2018 but only now we finally be able to host one 😂 I did warn them this restaurant a bit small, oh well...
Mini Meet Up @ Black Tower Coffee 3 April 2019)
Another mini meet and located close to the previous gathering (Ace by Tea Code).
Dollfest @ 2019 (5 May 2019)
The main (and apparently the biggest) doll event in Malaysia. However this year I didn't have much to buy apart of picking up all my pre-order stuffs.
Doll Mini Gathering (28 May 2019)
The girl who is responsible getting me into this hobby is quitting, so we (we, her and another office mate who was dragged into the hobby by me XD) planned to do one last mini gathering in the office.
Mini Gathering @ Ace by Tea Code (5 June 2019)
Another mini meet and also we all set up 'mini market'; selling all our unwanted stuffs XD
Doll Meetup @ The Ame Soeur (8 November 2019)
The grandest gathering of the year. I didn't expect the cafe going to be this grand, both my dolls and myself were seriously under-dressed 😂 Except Elysha who cosplay as Shinku~
Mydoll X Macaron Doll Tea Party (5 October 2019)
Starting 2017, MyDoll slowly emerging as the second main doll event, although at this point had become a lot bigger than Dollfest, thanks to the organizers being less strict and more considerate when choosing location and date. FOR SOME REASON I COULDN'T FIND ALL THE PHOTOS SO I NEED TO FIND THEM.
Christmas Gathering @ Girl's Only (23 December 2019)
One of us decided to do a small Christmas gathering and make it exclusively for girls. We did two days early as the host would be very busy on Christmas and on the Eve.
Conclusion, I did the most outings in 2019, mostly bjd (ball-jointed-dolls) and lolita gatherings. I get to know many people during these times and it does feel refreshing :)