I was lucky to join Mensa months before International Board Directors (IBD). I found out the last time Malaysia hosting was in 1994. Originally I only plan to work as a volunteer and have no attention to attend the Gala Dinner, titled, "Crazy Rich Mensan", an obvious reference and poking fun on Crazy Rich Asian book/film.

Mum thinks I should tho, and to be honest, I'm glad I did.

Arriving at the black carpet
Cool chocolate wooden box~ But I didn't enjoy the chocolates tho....
Then comes he yamseng moment but Mr Gerald couldn't care XD
Mingling time
My team won the Hawker Stalker game (minus Jun, we wish you were here~)
Finally official group photo! ow dare they cropped me out :grrr:

I also noticed my Indonesian friend Arya also got cropped ^^;