Something I had been wanting to write for awhile. Some people did noticed that I seems to begin enjoying more things after my breakup in 2019.

Honestly it's true. It stemmed from the fact I need distractions from the heartbreak, and secondly I didn't try to experience all these events while I was in the previous relationship. My ex apologised upon learning this because he thinks he restricted me from trying them but he wasn't and he never did. When I was in the previous relationship I truly enjoy to just go home, see him and enjoy spending time together privately.
To be honest I think I am still the same except I am currently in LDR. Currently I'm taking advantage of the LDR to go fulfil some of my bucketlist, and again first reason is for distractions, and secondly I know once we close the distance, I might stopping going out often and just go home to have quality time with my partner.
I don't think I changed because of my partners, this is just me adapting to the situation and I am happy the way it was, and the way it is right now.