To be honest I never planned on writing this. I was having casual conversation with a friend online (we couldn't hangout due to Covid-19 and being responsible citizens we both practice #stayathome) when I was asked this question: how do I tell when I meet the right one? I jokingly said that maybe I should write a blog entry instead of boring him. He finds this a good idea, much to my own amusement. As thus, welcome to this special entry (now that I think about it, this would've been perfect for Valentine's Day).

The truth is that there is no formula in finding the right one. For my case they were purely instinct, while a (scientific) friend of mine thinks pheromone may play the role.
Growing up my father told me that there's no formula in finding true love, that it's purely based on luck; you could be the richest or most beautiful person in the world but stuck in a loveless relationship and vice versa. I also believe there's no such thing as finding the right one; it is us who make the person we love as the right one.
However, if we are being logical, there's plenty of signs we can observe to find someone who's really into you (and maybe go further from there).
They make every effort to communicate with you. It can start from simple messaging asking of your day to sharing cute comics to articles that may interest you.
They want to get to know you. It goes without saying! They're curious about you. They want to know more about you and what's the best way to get to know you? Communicate directly with you.
They share their interests with you. Now they know more about you, what's the next step? They want you to know more about them, in hopes that you will find them interesting enough to be your companion. The last thing they want is to bore you to death!
They immerse themselves into your interests. They would make all the effort to get to know your interests and even try them. Why do you ask? That way they can understand you more and who knows they might enjoy themselves; these would be good activities to do together in the future as well ;)
They may tease you. A lot. Teasing is one of the methods to get to know you. Instead of being excessively direct, which may make you feel comfortable, this teasing method can be seen as an innocent and subtle way to gain information.
They want to spend time with you. It may start with casually asking to hangout for a drink, then slowly to lunch and dinners and eventually movie nights.
They enjoy your companionship. It's obvious when they continue to ask you out without asking anything in return. Take note of this.
They feel comfortable with you. When they are able to share with you things that they normally won't share publicly, chances are they really trust you. If they talk to you about their past relationships, that likely means they want to know your take on them in case you want to have a relationship with them. Past relationships are touchy subjects and people don't open up with details easily.
They find your flaws cute. Rather than trying to change you, they probably indulge in your flaws as they find those make you unique. However, take note that the flaws I mentioned here are minor ones, something like your speech pattern or your pronunciation of certain words. Major flaws like temper or controlling behavior are not something they should be finding cute!
They make you feel great. They will be super supportive of you and will do anything to make you feel great. While they may not try to change you, they will try to help you overcome your problems so you would be a better person.
If you're into them as well, you will see all these gestures as adorable instead of annoying. It's not only them making all these efforts that makes them the right one, it is also how you feel towards them. As I've mentioned before, there is no right one to you, it is you who makes them the right one!