A last minute decision to go to the International Toy Fair. Originally there were supposed to be three of us but one them got sick at the last minute (again) 🙄

Malaysian International Toy Fair 2010 is an initiative of Malaysia Toy Fair. TransMY was a sponsored guest in the event and a small plot was allocated for us. Our attendance is just to spice up the event with our showcases and tutorial slot for kitbash. Among other collector’s club invited is Macross Malaysia.
Actually there's plenty more toys but the place is super crowded! DX
Goofing around with friends
Not exactly my idol, but I do love her works. Liselle's creator Lisa Lee.

Meet up with local brand Dooodolls's creator and designer himself, Darren Chen.
Meet up with Keith and Kaoru again. They both one of the top comic artists in Malaysia. I actually meet them last year in Comic Fiesta, during the autograph session - I'm not a fan of Keith works but my brother is - and apparently he remembers me because of that 🤣 As for Kaoru, I had been her fan since her first work published when I was 10.
P.S: We keep in touch even to this day. I'm surprised because I never buy his works 😂
Whenever there's ACG (Anime, Comics, Games) events, there will always be cosplayers