We all know and acknowledged people who suffering mental illness are often have their actions out of their control. They would lashed out and hurting people around them.

But just because someone has mental health issues doesn’t mean that there are no consequences to their actions—that’s the message that artist Quill, aka LutroDraws, sent the world from his Twitter account. He believes that if you’re rude to someone or you hurt them while having a mental health episode, you should apologize.

For someone who had been suffering bipolar disorder and was undiagnosed for the first twenty three years, I totally agreed with this statement. Harsh? Maybe. Truth? Totally. Of course when these kind of (controversial) statements were made, there will be two sides of opinions, but here I would only be covering why I deeply agree with this statement. Rather than writing them, I'll share all the comments I had collected at Twitter and FB as they all expressed exactly what I have in mind.
While there are arguments that we are not abusers because our actions are out of control, one Twitter use pointed out the issue perfectly:

While agreeing, some offered to make the statement less harsh:

Jenni Wisniewski at FB offered pov from both sides; from the person who suffering and dealing with mental illness and also the one at the receiving end:

And this! I feel Chrisse Long use the term "explain but does not excuse" perfectly:

I concurred with Crissy Long. As someone who had been suffering and dealing with mental illness, I totally agree. Yes it's not our fault to suffer mental illness, and it's true our actions are often out of our control, but that doesn't mean we should be given a free pass.
I totally agree with Chrissie Long "explains but does not excuse" - I can explained of my actions, I can ask for forgiveness; but do people going to accept my apology? That's up to them and they have all the rights to accept or decline.
Yes my actions is out of control but t's also unfair for the person at the receiving end. I understand if people couldn't understand or want to be around me. It's understandable. Which is why I am thankful and appreciate those willing to stick around me despite all the episodes. I will try my best to improve myself by continue to get and receive helps.
Conclusion, I really hate when people use their shortcomings (disabilities, mental illness, orphan, etc,etc) as a free pass to be an asshole. Worst part? I do feel people around these kind of people actually, without realizing, enabling these kind of attitudes by asking us, the one at the receiving ends to be more understanding and forgive them. A total bullshit if you asked me.