Doll Mini Meetup today in the evening~ Finally I'm wearing my Bodyline Unicorns and Friends (L598) xD

And yes this is my 3rd mini doll meetup for 3 weeks in a row :joy: The first one I wore Country Look
The second one I didn't wear Lolita coz I overslept and have no time to get ready :joy: :joy:
Coord Breakdown
I have this jsk, otks, wig, and bag for quite sometimes but been saving them for this particular meetup :joy: We been planning this since January

Jsk, Shoes: Bodyline
Wig: Dream Holic
Bag: BtSSB
Necklace, bag charm: Q-Pot
Otks: Classical Puppets
Wristcuffs: Red Maria (Taobao)
Blouse, hairpin: Thrifted
My Dolls~

brother and Sister: Rory and Alice

Luts Delf Kid with Jamong Head~
Owners and Dolls
Once got home it would be a crime not to have my unicorn theme jsk photo taken with my unicorn plush and my unicorn theme bedsheet xD