When EXO announced they're coming to Malaysia under MTV World Stage I was shocked!
I literally wrote in my dairy there's no way I will ever attend EXO concert >w<ll

Apart of EXO the only lineup I was quite exited was Far East Movement. Despite Robin Thicke is currently in full blast with "Blurred Lines", I'm really not a fan of that song. In fact I'm not even sure why people like that song (my dad especially) 🙄
Pretty interested to see Joe Flizzow from local rap duo Too Phat. Growing up I do listen to their songs and I admit I'm more a fan of the other half, Malique, but too bad he no longer make public appearance since 2007 (he prefer to work behind the scenes)

Starting 2012, all MTV World Stage held at Sunway Lagoon. The mall next to the park (Sunway Pyramid) packed with the World Stage banner. I decided to go to the venue a day early to see the setup, and maybe get the glimpse of EXO arriving to the hotel.
And I was given special pass to see the stage preparation~

The security guards there are very friendly; when they saw me trying to take selfies with the banner, they offered to help me take photos with them <3
One of the girls I meet them night ended up become my lifelong friend. Not only we still keep in touch with her, we often collaborate with in the local art scene.
Oh I forgot to mentioned how I did managed to get the ticket. The tickets were given for free, all you need to do is to participate a game in MTV official website. Another ticket you can win is the Golden Pass; a pass where you can access the after party.

Brought along EXO's Growl's album for just in case XD

I didn't have photos during the event because of my lousy camera + I was having great time
I shared official shots from MTV Asia official Instagram:
Joe Flizzow
To be honest I was amazed with Joe's energy and passion performance on stage. Now I can see why Too Phat at one time one of the biggest musician in Malaysia.
Far East Movement
Totally didn't see this coming!! Far East Movement performance is electrifying! They're very energetic and I can feel the showmanship! I truly enjoyed their slot and I think I would love to attend their official concert (if they have any in Malaysia)
Finally the show I've been waiting for! While I felt super, super, super exited to see them perform live, I do feel their performance a bit meh, especially after experiencing Far East Movement. Regardless here's two of my recordings:
EXO performing Wolf
EXO performing Growl
Interestingly later when MTV channel air the World Stage, I find it interesting EXO performance appears very interesting, while Far East Movement looks meh. That's when I realised the camera angles and shots plays the role to make Kpop performances looks superb in TV.
Robin Thicke
Probably the most meh performance of the night. It's obvious Robin just using his sex appeal for his performance. I was also annoyed some of the boys around me begin to go shirtless and dancing wildly. At the front the girls begin to go crazy and trying to grab Robin, and Robin gladly let them fondle him 🙄
The next day, me and some of the fans decided to stick around and behold! Kris leaving the hotel! Just him! That's the closest I ever get to a Kpop Idol haha.
Later as I travel back home, I checked Instagram and I was surprised to find myself featured in MTV Asia official Instagram! For the interview they gave me the official t-shirt.
They actually interviewed me and I didn't know my interview actually aired in MTV channel until the neighbor kids told me they saw me in the TV! 😂😂